Here are our Top 10 tips for getting your car ready for the spring. Some will help your vehicle look (and smell) better, but most are designed to help it perform more efficiently and get better gas mileage.
1. Clean Your Undercarriage.
Winter road salt can be a real problem for the modern car by eating away at its undercarriage, not to mention the chunks of road debris that collects underneath your vehicle during the winter months. Head to the car wash and spring for the undercarriage cleaning option, alternatively you can get a detailer to do a thorough cleaning job if you prefer. Spring is also a good time to check your entire vehicle for rust, which can worsen during the winter months.
2. Check Your Tires.
Tire pressure changes about 1 pound per square inch for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit change in outside temperature, so it's important to check tire pressure after weather changes. Potholes and rough driving surfaces during winter months can take a toll on your vehicle's tires. If you have a tire gauge, check tire pressure against the recommended pressure for your vehicle and particular type of tire. If you maintain the ideal pressure, you will save money at the pump and prolong the life of your tires. You might also want to consider a tire rotation or if the tread is low maybe it's time to get new tires, just check out our Curry's tire selector and see what special offers we have!
3. Check Your Brakes.
This is a good time to check your brakes. Mud and crud make your brakes work harder, perhaps even causing wear that you wouldn't normally think of, so it’s a good idea to have your brakes checked now. If you take your car in for a tune-up, it’s also a great time to make certain your brakes get a good once over too. Curry's Auto Service partner Bosch have a great offer at the moment to save you money on brake pads - check out their Road Ready offers here.
4. Check Your Wiper Blades.

5. Change Your Engine Oil.
For a typical driver, you generally change the oil every 3 or 4 months, which corresponds perfectly with the change in seasons. Once Spring is here, schedule an oil service with Currys and receive a complimentary car physical which includes topping off of fluids. Proper fluid levels are critical for your vehicle's best performance. Change the oil filter each time you change the oil, since it's obvious that a dirty filter won't keep the new oil clean!
6. Change Your Air Filter.
The air filter prevents dust and other impurities from getting into the combustion chambers of the cylinders, resulting in wasted gas and weaker engine performance. According to the Car Care Council, replacing a clogged filter can improve mileage by as much as 10 percent. The time-honored way to check for dirt is to hold the filter up to the light, but since many new filters show light when dirty, or show no light when clean, it is more reliable to change the air filter every six months, and more often in dusty locations. Don't forget about our BG Fuel/Air Induction Service too, it will improve fuel economy, reduce environmentally damaging exhaust emissions, and restore the great fun of like-new driveability to your vehicle.
7. Flush and Fill Your Cooling System.
This is a great insurance against possible engine failure, simply draining your radiator is not enough; you need to clean the system with a radiator flush product, not just plain water, to remove stubborn rust, grease and sediment. Then, replace the fluid with a 50/50 mixture of coolant and water.
8. Check Your Alignment.
Potholes and less than optimum driving conditions can throw your vehicle out of alignment. If your vehicle is pulling to one side or displays any signs of veering off to one side, you should have Curry's check your alignment and readjust once spring arrives. Check out this this page to see why an alignment is so important -
9. Check Your Battery and Spark Plugs.
Winter weather can cause problems for your battery's connections. Check posts and connections and make sure they are free from any dirt, grime or corrosion. Spark plugs fire as many as 3 million times every 1,000 miles. That's a lot of wear and tear in the form of electrical and chemical erosion, dirty spark plugs can cause misfiring, erroneous check engine lights and WILL waste fuel.
10. Clean Your Car Interior.
Appearances are important, no matter what the season. Discard the debris that's been hibernating under the seats all winter, your floormats and carpets have probably seen better days after salt, grime and winter debris are constantly brought into your vehicle. If you have special all-weather floormats, a simple hosing off will do wonders. If your floormats are carpeted, vacuum them and clean any stains. With the floormats out of the car, vacuum the interior carpets and around the various cracks and crevices of your vehicle's floor. Leave the floor mats out for a day and let the carpet breathe to help remove moisture and odors. Road dust, coffee stains and fingerprints have no appeal any time of the year, so after vacuuming, use a spray vinyl cleaner and a soft cloth on the dashboard, steering wheel, door panels and seats.
OK all done! Finally, you're ready to wash and wax. Late March or early April is a good time to give your car a good wax. Spring rains will roll right off and your vehicle will be much easier to clean the next time you decide to wash it.
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