Now the whole team agreed the top logo was heading in the right direction, it added the website address which has been something we have been looking to add to the logo for a while now, but everything felt a little crowded. The middle one was a 'no-go' from the first minute, everyone agreed it was too confusing, too many messages in one block, and too much italicising!
So the bottom design was a favourite with the marketing department, bringing the Curry's family crest back into the logo was seen as a positive move, and giving it the feel of an automotive badge felt right.
So the final design, you ask...
We will be unveiling it officially in the next couple of weeks so here are a few little sneak peeks at the design elements we have incorporated:

You may be able to see a hint of a wing, think Aston Martin, think Mini Cooper and you will be some way to getting the design cues we ended up working from...

This second sneak peek shows you for the first time our new font. Our approach for the whole design was to present an image that embodied both the 'golden age' of customer service and family values tied to a modern forward thinking look and feel. We hopefully succeeded in this by using a modernist font, the inclusion of the URL within the logo and the retro automotive badge imagery.
The official, full version of the logo will be unveiled soon, in the meantime we'd love to get your feedback on the elements we've included, tell us what you think!
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