When I realized that lead weights are still being used in our industry, I was shocked to say the least! I spoke to Bob Nightingale, a sales rep from Hennessy that supplies weights to auto repair shops. It seems that the majority of car dealers and auto shops still balance tires with lead weights! These weights can become loose over time and end up on the roadside, in our soil and eventually our streams and waterways. Add up all the cars out there and you can see why this has become an environmental and health issue.
The alternative material, steel, has been used most recently. Steel has only become the replacement of choice recently since they are finally affordable. The manufacturing process for these involved the investment of all new equipment which made the cost prohibitive for several years. Steel wheel weights are slowly and finally becoming a norm in our industry. They also are becoming more sleek with special coatings and options to either clip-on or stick-on.
You might want to check your weights to see if you've got lead. Curry's has been using steel for the last year, so we can help out if you're unsure.