November 15, 2011
See Clearly: Headlight Restoration

October 30, 2011
Regular Oil Changes is Critical Car Maintenance
Danny's Engine Portal: Regular Oil Changes is Critical Car Maintenance: Despite the sophistication of today's advanced automotive engines, the old-fashioned act of changing the oil is still the most critical piec...
August 22, 2011
Why Do I Need a Transmission Service?
The transmission multiplies torque from the engine through a gear reduction and/or torque conversion. A typical manual transmission has anywhere from four to six speeds with the final or highest gear being either a direct 1:1 drive ratio or an "overdrive" ratio, less than 1:1. For the most part, they are trouble-free (except for the clutch, which can be problematic if adjusted incorrectly or abused). An automatic transmission, on the other hand, multiplies engine torque as it passes through the fluid coupling known as the "torque converter" and then through three or more separate gear ratios. The transmission oil is critical for lubricating the transmission and reducing friction. When the fluid breaks down and loses its viscosity, it no longer effectively lubricates the transmission. This causes premature and excessive wear and results in transmission failure.
July 21, 2011
Over the next few days Northern Virginia, Maryland and the DC Metro area are under extreme weather warnings with temperatures likely to exceed the 100 degree mark so we wanted to share some advice that should help all of us to keep moving in these adverse conditions:
- Pack a travel kit that includes plenty of water and a well charged cell phone for emergency calls. Even a short trip in extreme heat carries many of the same risks that come with longer trips in hot weather.
- Check fluids. Check to be sure that your coolant levels, plus other fluid levels such as motor oil, transmission fluid, and brake fluid levels are full - but do not overfill fluids. Also remember to check belts and hoses for signs of excessive wear.
- Check your tires. Before operating your vehicle in extreme heat, check the condition of your tires and be sure tire air pressure is set at the manufacturer's recommended level.
- Maintain your vehicle. Have a trained, qualified mechanic check your car and perform preventive maintenance.
- Keep checking your lights and gauges. Even if your fluid levels and tires were fine before you left, problems can develop quickly while you are driving.
- Don't idle for long. Avoid leaving your engine running without moving, except for routine and brief delays, such as waiting at red lights.
- Watch your engine temp. If your engine temperature begins to rise outside the normal range, approaching overheating, you might be able to reduce the load on your engine and help remove excessive heat by turning off the air conditioning and turning on your heater. This would rapidly make your vehicle too uncomfortable to tolerate for very long, but it could save your engine from overheating. If your temperature gauge does reach the red zone or an engine temperature warning light comes on, do not continue to drive. As soon as it can be safely accomplished, the driver needs to get the vehicle off the roadway, the further from traffic the better. Severe engine damage can result from overheating.
- Don't get burned. If your vehicle does overheat, do not attempt to remove the radiator cap. Extremely hot and pressurized coolant can spray out violently, potentially causing severe burns. Also, do not pour water over a hot radiator or engine, as sudden, extreme changes in temperature can also cause engine damage.
- Remember to care for yourself, not just your car. In extremely hot weather, it's not just your car that needs special attention - it's you and your passengers as well. Take regular breaks on long drives and stay hydrated.
- Follow the rules of the road. Speeding always carries risks, but during extremely hot weather, driving at high speeds places particularly high demands on your vehicle's tires and mechanical components.
- If your vehicle overheats or breaks down on the side of the road and you choose to exit the vehicle, move to a safe location away from traffic. Standing near the roadway can create a dangerous situation for you and other motorists.
- When thinking about safe driving in extreme heat, do not overlook the potentially deadly threat of heat in a parked car. Never leave a child unattended in a parked car, and never leave a pet in a parked car in hot weather.
We hope this goes some way to helping you stay safe and on the road, if for any reason you do need roadside assistance remember as a Curry's customer you can dial 1-888-8CURRYS for assistance and local towing services.
July 9, 2011
More to share

At Curry's, we have some crazy, unique ideas to add to the mix of car maintenance, tires, and inspections that we do each day. Why not add a little fun to our surroundings and showcase our community?
So, tell me what you think!
June 26, 2011
Well, for Curry’s, that would be Aniekan Udofia. We just commissioned this D.C. Artist to brighten up the drab wall on the back of our Arlington location. He’s painting a big, colorful mural as a tribute to our Arlington community. It’s a crazy idea for an auto repair shop, but actually very fitting for a business that shares property lines with Barcroft Park. The park brings together the community and offers a break from a busy day. I think we’re up to the task of creating a vivid image that celebrates the communities in Arlington and is visually inspiring, just like the park and the surrounding Four Mile Run stream. Aniekan’s draft envisions the sweet faces of children, people participating in various outdoor sports and activities including biking and walking on the W & OD bike path that is directly across the street. Water is included since Four Mile Run stream is close by, as well as monuments from Arlington cemetery.
You’ll have to come by and see it. And let me know what you think. Did we represent the community and create a visual masterpiece for everyone to enjoy?
All the credit goes to Aniekan Udofia. Check out his website (http://www.artofaniekanudofia.com/index.html)to learn more about his talents and work. Commissioning a local artist like Aniekan is very easy!
June 9, 2011
Career Day
“Career day was GREAT at Westgate Elementary in Tyson's Corner!!!! I spoke to Five Classes and spoke about Curry's and what our job/industry was like and took them out to the Aston and pulled some diagnostic codes and taught them how the OBD system works. They all had lots of questions. I handed out about 25 "Curry's Coolers" and gave five winners circle cards to the classroom teachers and the Career day organizer/administrator. By the time I was going to the last class there were kids stopping me in the hall asking about "THE JAMES BOND CAR"....”
More about Mike: www.themichaeldorsey.com
May 13, 2011
Car Warning Lights: Myths and Facts
So here is a helpful guide on some of the more common warning lights...
SRS Light (Supplemental Restraint System)
The supplemental restraint system is your airbag system. It may incorporate a variety of active, passive, and even pre-safe technology depending on the vehicle. Given that the SRS system is a safety system, it is well monitored with numerous sensors and automatic self-tests. The slightest malfunction in this system illuminates the SRS light.
Can the vehicle be driven with an SRS Light on?
Yes, at the owner’s risk. There are thousands of vehicles on the road without SRS technology.
Is the airbag going to blow up?
It’s unlikely. When the SRS Light is on the system is inoperative. If you’re nervous - tow it!
Red Brake Warning Lights
Generally, red warning lights mean DANGER. In the case of a red brake warning light, there may be a hydraulic brake fluid leak. If the brake pedal feels abnormal or spongy—don’t drive—tow it!
Note: Make sure that your emergency brake is not on as this will illuminate a red brake warning light.
ABS Lights
Illumination of the Anti-Lock Brake System Warning Light is another common occurrence in today’s vehicles. Simply put, the ABS system helps to keep you from skidding out of control during braking by limiting your wheels from locking up/skidding.
Do I need brakes?
You might, but that’s not why the ABS Light is on. The ABS Warning System does not monitor disc brake pad or disc brake rotor wear (see the Brake Pad light Warning section below).
Can the vehicle be driven?
Like the SRS system, the vehicle can be driven at the owner’s risk as there are many vehicles still on the market without the enhanced safety features of ABS.
Note: The ABS system is often integrated with traction control and stability systems, all of which are designed to keep you safe during panic stops, wheel slippage, and handling.
Low Coolant Light
The Low Coolant Light will come on when the coolant drops below the coolant level sensor—generally one to two quarts. If this light is on, there are two primary possibilities. The most common is a coolant leak. The other is an electrical fault in the warning lamp circuit. Have them checked out.
Can it be driven?
If there are no major leaks, the vehicle is not overheating (and does not start to overheat), and there is still some evidence of coolant in the overflow bottle, it can be driven. If you can see coolant leaking on the ground—tow it. When in doubt, always tow it!
Red Oil Light On
Stop driving immediately and shut the engine off! If a Red Oil Warning Light comes on PAY HEED. The best case scenario is that your engine oil is a little low, or there is an electrical issue with the Oil Level Warning System circuit. Either way you should check your owners’ manual and follow the instructions to check your oil.
Add oil as recommended and get your vehicle checked out at your earliest convenience. The worst case scenario is internal engine damage.
Note: Many of today’s vehicles have very sensitive and sophisticated Oil Level Warning Systems. You may be alerted of oil level too high, or oil level too low. Again, follow your owners’ manual’s instructions.
Yellow Brake Warning Light (Brake Pad light)
This is an early warning system for brake pad wear. Essentially, as your disc brake pads wear down, at a certain point a sensor is tripped to alert you that you will need brakes soon.
Can I drive the vehicle, and for how long?
Yes, you can continue to drive. How long depends on your driving style. In other words, city drivers (city driving is generally harder on brakes due to the constant stop and go) will likely need their brakes addressed before someone who does primarily highway driving.
Will I do more damage to the brakes?
Depending on how long you continue to drive you could conceivably wear your disc brake pads down to the metal backing plate, which could then damage your disc brake rotors and, in rare cases, the disc brake calipers. If you continue to drive until you hear or feel grinding, you should stop driving (for safety reasons and to prevent extensive damage) have your vehicle towed.
On many of today’s brake systems, the replacement of the disc brake rotors along with the disc brake pads is required or strongly recommended anyway. Calipers rarely need replacing during regular brake work.
If your yellow brake warning light is on, it is best to have your brakes checked early to decrease the possibility of extensive damage.
Note: Many of today’s brake disc pads and rotors require replacement due to rust and corrosion versus wear; thus rotor replacement is often necessary anyway.
Tire Pressure Warning Light
This recent technological development causes quite a bit of confusion. Put simply, if your tire is getting low on air, your car lets you know via sensors mounted in various places depending on the model.
Sometimes the reset procedure is as simple as pressing a button. Other times one has to set the tire pressures, recalibrate the on-board computer, genuflect and cross two fingers. Check your owners’ manual and see the next question…
What is the low tire pressure warning light reset procedure?
The answer to this simple question depends on the vehicle. Check your owners’ manual or call Curry’s Auto Service 1.888. 8CURRYS.
Note: If you need to add air there is probably an issue with the tires loss of air, you should have a professional inspect your tires as soon as possible.
Emission Warning Light
This light is similar to the Check Engine Light. Many European models such as Volvos have this type of Warning System. It’s essentially letting you know that an emissions component has failed or detected a fault. Follow the check engine light tips to address this particular warning light.
Note: If the light starts flashing pull over and shut off vehicle immediately. Restart vehicle if light is not flashing drive to a Currys Auto Service as soon as possible. If the light continues to flash, shut of vehicle and have it towed.
A flashing light usually means the catalytic convertor(s) are being damaged.
Resetting Oil Lights
Next to resetting check engine lights, resetting oil lights is the most common question we receive. Whether it’s a Toyota Oil Light Reset Procedure, an Oil Change Warning Light Reset Procedure on a 2005 GMC Envoy, or the process to reset a 1999 BMW M3 Oil Service Light, they all require a specific course of action.
Most owners’ manuals have this information. You should find it under maintenance or oil service.
Note: Many European models require special tools to reset the oil service light, when in doubt, it’s best to Call Curry’s Auto Service 1.888. 8CURRYS, we reset oil service lights everyday on a variety of models.
April 29, 2011
Our Day at Raytheon - FREE “Green” car care checks for all!

Thank you to all the Curry Team who helped make this a memorable for everyone who attended - YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!
NFTE Gala Demonstrates Power-PR
My thanks to Matt and Judy Curry of Curry’s Auto Service, who invited me to attend the gala with them, their children and key members of their staff. Matt was one of eight honorees, recognized as “Home Grown Heroes” at the event.
April 10, 2011
My Best Last Place 5K Finish
I have participated in many running events and always finish in the middle of the pack, but this event was different. First, it was the inaugural DSYS 5k to benefit both DSYS and ALS, hosted by my company, Curry’s Auto Service. My role was to be the “official” roving reporter. My job was to make the course fun and to mix things up a bit. Thus, this is the first event where I came in dead LAST.
I had 10 gift certificates to give to those runners who would pause enough to help me on my fun quest. With my position still under development as the race began, it was decided that I would use a walkie-talkie to update our associate who was at the Curry’s tent and logged into our social media accounts to give real-time updates.
I joined the kids on the fun run that began before the 5k event and was off to see if anyone could name all of Snow White’s seven dwarfs. The first person I asked was a Dad with two girls. No luck – they only knew three. Next up was an eight year old. She looked at me kinda funny when I asked. She said very politely, "I don’t believe I know who this snow white person is." Bummer! I had to ponder this for a bit before I decided to just turn around and go back since I had to conserve my energy for the 5k.
Next up was the 5K. I was able to get South Riding Running Club member, Jeremy to tell an engineering joke. Very well done, but the punch line was delivered just as my breathing became unbearably loud. Before I could even catch my breath and laugh at the same time, off he went to finish at a 6:39 pace. I was able to get the next person to do five jumping jacks. The next person, I believe his name was Drew, was running on behalf of a family member who just succumbed to ALS. I took a moment to be thankful that so many people could come together to support ALS and all the friends and family members that are adversely affected by this disease.
As I continued and ponder the fact that South Riding has no hills (really? I definitely encountered some inclines), I realized that not one person could name all the seven dwarfs. A highlight was the water stop manned by Girl Scout Troop #4884. Wow - I was so happy to see them! As a matter of fact, most of the runners were very vocal in their appreciation! I was hopeful that every flagger and route volunteer heard my shouts of “thanks for volunteering”, “you’re the best”, “thanks for your time… I LOVE YOU!”. I introduced one female runner to the octopus hand shake. Guess you had to be there. Several people said they’d do it again - for many it was their first running event. Some spectators along the course said they’d do it next year since I couldn’t get them to join me. It was an awesome effort for everyone- the fast runners, the joggers, the stroller pushers (that’s for my friend John), the volunteers, the spectators and the walkers. I walked crossed the finish line with a Dad and his awesome daughters. It was my best finish ever. The only thing that I would do differently would be to make sure I do NOT wear a chip. The roving reporter has more important stuff to do on the course than run (fast)!
Coming in last means that you miss a lot of the finish celebration, including the presentation of the big @#! trophy for the first place winners. DSYS and Curry’s has an incredible amount of gratitude for all the volunteers- the South Riding Running Club for packet pick-up and course help, all the race committee chairs, the 40-50 race day volunteers, the Freedom High School Football players, all the race participants (over 300) and their family and friends. Also, for those who came out not to run, but to honor friends and family who have suffered from ALS. This was an overwhelming successful inaugural event which raised about $10,000! We can’t wait until we get to do it again next year. (Mark your calendars for March 17th 2012, St. Patrick’s Day!)
In the meantime, if you have any thoughts on how we can make next year’s run even better, please shoot me an email: judy@currysauto.com! Watch for updates on the race site: http://www.currys-dsys5k.com/.
April 8, 2011
Thank you! A new tradition blooms!

Putting this event together was always a dream that I had- especially since I've been participating in lots of local run events and discovered how fun and addictive they can be! Being involved with DSYS gave me a reason to try to put a fundraiser together. Knowing first hand how expensive it is to participate in athletics, I really wanted to see if there was more that I (and Curry's) could do. I discussed this with some local experts- LJ White (Virginia Run Tri) and Lisa Smith (Founder and past Race Director for Stone Ridge 5k). When I discussed this with Debbie York, President of DSYS, she became excited and suggested that Julie Jasper (Track and Field Commissioner) get involved and tie-in fundraising for ALS. The rest just involves lots of hard work by tons of awesome and incredible volunteers.
There were several Freedom High School Football players who used their brawn to move some of the big stuff- like the world's heaviest helium tank! They were awesome and had such great attitudes for an event early on a Saturday morning. The South Riding Club came out to just help where needed and I was so impressed by their support and willingness to help. They also manned one of the registration/pick-up tables. (check them out). I'll post my first ever run report soon that has more details about the run. We also owe the Curry's Race Team members a spot on our Wall of Fame on our website. This will be coming soon.
Mark your calendars for St. Patrick's Day 2012. Next year's run will be on St. Patrick's Day and will contain green stuff and a pot of gold PLUS a USATF-Certified course! Due to lots of positive feedback, the 2nd annual 5k will be better, bigger, more fun and will have another roving reporter on the course! If you do have any suggestions, we'd love to hear from you! (judy@currysauto.com)
Watch the website for updates and registration! http://www.currys-dsys5k.com/
March 31, 2011
Got Lead?

When I realized that lead weights are still being used in our industry, I was shocked to say the least! I spoke to Bob Nightingale, a sales rep from Hennessy that supplies weights to auto repair shops. It seems that the majority of car dealers and auto shops still balance tires with lead weights! These weights can become loose over time and end up on the roadside, in our soil and eventually our streams and waterways. Add up all the cars out there and you can see why this has become an environmental and health issue.
The alternative material, steel, has been used most recently. Steel has only become the replacement of choice recently since they are finally affordable. The manufacturing process for these involved the investment of all new equipment which made the cost prohibitive for several years. Steel wheel weights are slowly and finally becoming a norm in our industry. They also are becoming more sleek with special coatings and options to either clip-on or stick-on.
You might want to check your weights to see if you've got lead. Curry's has been using steel for the last year, so we can help out if you're unsure.
March 30, 2011
Tire Pros Annual Meeting
Tire Pros is one of the biggest networks of independent tire dealers and is growing in both membership and services available to customers at the meeting they exclusively announced the upcoming launch of their all new website, which brings with it more intuitive navigation, an interactive tire fitment guide and a host of other exciting features.
For Curry's customers, look out for a Tire Pros exclusive tire deal with Continental tires that coming this May! (Details on this will be on our website and in an upcoming CurryLink newsletter). I’ve been told that it’s really muggy and hot in Miami right now since there have been several thunderstorms that have passed through the area = No sun!
And THIS was spotted on the beach:

March 22, 2011
SNEAK PEEK - Curry's gets a new logo!
Now the whole team agreed the top logo was heading in the right direction, it added the website address which has been something we have been looking to add to the logo for a while now, but everything felt a little crowded. The middle one was a 'no-go' from the first minute, everyone agreed it was too confusing, too many messages in one block, and too much italicising!
So the bottom design was a favourite with the marketing department, bringing the Curry's family crest back into the logo was seen as a positive move, and giving it the feel of an automotive badge felt right.
So the final design, you ask...
We will be unveiling it officially in the next couple of weeks so here are a few little sneak peeks at the design elements we have incorporated:

You may be able to see a hint of a wing, think Aston Martin, think Mini Cooper and you will be some way to getting the design cues we ended up working from...

This second sneak peek shows you for the first time our new font. Our approach for the whole design was to present an image that embodied both the 'golden age' of customer service and family values tied to a modern forward thinking look and feel. We hopefully succeeded in this by using a modernist font, the inclusion of the URL within the logo and the retro automotive badge imagery.
March 17, 2011
Curry's Presents the DSYS 5K Run for ALS Research
For anyone that doesn't know ALS is the acronym for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease - the disease attacks the parts of the nervous system that control voluntary muscle movement. Although the cause of ALS is unknown and there is no cure yet, research on the disease is advancing at an unprecedented pace, thanks to research centers like the one at Pittsburgh University (click here to read more about what they are doing). Curry's and DSYS (The Dulles South Youth Sports organization) have joined forces to raise money and promote awareness for ALS research through the medium of running.
The 5k and Fun Run will take place on Saturday March 19th at the Dulles South Multipurpose Center in South Riding, Virginia. Anyone who still wants to sign up, you have until the end of today to register at http://currys-dsys5k.com/, alternatively everyone is welcome to come along from 8am on Saturday and support all the runners.
The Curry's team will be in attendance, Judy Curry will be accompanying the runners equipped with a video camera to record everyone's experience. Matt Curry will be hosting the event and live tweeting through out (follow us on Twitter by clicking here), and our Marketing Director, John Phillips will be hosting spot prizes and live reports via the Curry's Facebook Fan Page.
So come down and join in the fun or follow all the action on Twitter and Facebook, we look forward to seeing you and remember, it's all for an amazing cause!
March 16, 2011
It's Our 13th Birthday!!
In 1998 Matt & Judy Curry fulfilled their lifelong dream of opening a repair shop where customer service would be the focus of the ultimate auto repair experience - for EVERY customer. The first store opened in Chantilly, in a secluded spot deep inside an industrial park with only 4 parking spaces, where no-one could find us! Matt, Chris Prack (our Technical Director) and Joe Vrobel (one of current Reston/Great Falls Technicians) worked ceaselessly to get the store ready. Once they cleaned the 6 inches of diesel oil from all the visible surfaces they managed to get the store ready for customers.
Within weeks, local BMW Club President, Mike Gayle was looking for replacement tires for his BMW M3. Gayle called Hunter Equipment, a high-end automotive manufacturer, and was told the only place in the country that had the machine to replace his tires was Curry's. Gayle wrote an article about Curry's for the BMW Club magazine, which helped seal Curry's reputation in those first few months, as the pinnacle of specialist auto repair in Northern Virginia.
Within two years, Curry's had opened their second location in Falls Church... and the rest is history!
Matt and Judy have worked tirelessly to change consumer perceptions of the auto repair industry and they, and all of the Curry's family, want to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of our customers for the trust and support you show in Curry's Auto Service, each and every day.
We thank you, and we hope you can join is 2013 to celebrate our 15th Anniversary!!

Wow! I can't believe it's raining again. I'm hoping the rain will wash all the salt and sand off the roads so I can get a nice car wash that will last. Or better yet, I have a great car detailer that I'm very anxious to call. I'm dreaming of that "new car smell" fragrance.
March 3, 2011
A brief welcome message...
We look forward to hearing from you!